Privacy & Responsibility is something that we take very seriously.


Privacy & Responsibility very seriously. This website is done in good faith and the information is about the products and services offered by C.J.C. Inc. No representation is made as to the completeness or accuracy of the information it contains.

Jet charter, Aircraft Charter, Private Charter Flights
Privacy & Responsibility is very important to us. We always maintain strict confidentiality with our Clients. Feel free to contact us any time at

Privacy & Responsibility is something we strive for. We have no cookies, third party tracking or any information gathering what so ever. The information you put into the our website on the Contact us bottom is just basic contact information when you request to "charter a jet!"

In particular, you should be aware that this information may be incomplete, may contain errors or may have become out of date, "Central Jet Charter Inc." reserves the right to add, modify or delete any information on this website at any time.

private jets, private jet charter, private flights
"Privacy & Responsibility" with our website and any references to products or services are provided “as is” without any warranty or implied term of any kind.

"Central Jet Charter Inc." is a company that will do what ever the client requests and is all about the clients privacy.

Privacy & Responsibility with all flights are operated by part 135 carriers, which must meet the standards set for by the "Federal Aviation Administration." "Central Jet Charter Inc." does not operate any Aircraft, we are a full service "Air Charter Broker Company."

Jet Flights, private jet flights, aircraft flights
"Privacy & Responsibility" is something we take very seriously and all information provided in is website is done in good faith and is provided to the public for "Private Jet Charter!" "Your Privacy & Responsibility" are always kept confidential.

In addition, we have legal responsibilities to all of our clients. We always keep our clients information private and we have a responsibility to them when they do "Private Jet Charter" with us.

"Privacy & Responsibility" and our Charter Flights at any time and you know you have complete privacy. We make sure to always respect our clients confidentiality. For our company collecting sensitive consumer and employee information is an essential part of doing business.

private jets, private aircraft, private flight
"Privacy & Responsibility" "WE COLLECT NO DATA WHAT SO EVER ON THIS WEBSITE!" We have a "Contact Us" page and what ever information you put in on the website is the only information we collect.

"Privacy & Responsibility" because we use no tracking technologies, cookies or web beacons. We can be contacted at any time about privacy issues!

"Privacy & Responsibility" with our clients is very important issue, that is what private jet charter is all about. Clients are allowed to opt out of being contacted at any time.

We reserve the right to cancel or refuse to accept any order placed for any reason. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice. C.J.C. Inc., apologizes for any inconvenience.

We make no representations whatsoever about any other site which you may access through this one. When you access a non-U.S. Central Jet Charter Inc., web site, even one that may contain the our logo.

Central Jet Charter Inc., Privacy & Responsibility can be found on this page but if you would like more information feel free to call us anytime!

Privacy & Responsibility for our private jet charter is very discreet, free. Our Privacy & Responsibility.



terms and conditions, Central Jet Charter Inc., private aircraft flights
1. "ENGAGEMENT" Client referred to herein as “Client” or “you” hereby engages Central Jet Charter Inc., New York City, New York, to act as a broker to arrange for the charter services described on the Quote, and Charter Itinerary. The Standard Terms and conditions are annexed on behalf of the Client from third party certified air carriers operating under Part 135 of the Federal Aviation Administration herein (FAA) Regulations (Section 14, Code of Federal Regulations).

2. "RESERVATIONS AND CANCELLATIONS" (a) All requests for services are subject to acceptance by "Central Jet Charter Inc." hereby expressly reserves the right to accept or reject any reservation at any time for any reason, or for no reason at all whatsoever. You Charter Itinerary will be delivered by email from Central Jet Charter Inc. providing a confirmation number and the details of the trip. There will also be a quote with the details of the trip and credit card authorization form which Authorizes us to charge the clients credit card if payment is not received. The itinerary will provide the specific dates and times of departure of the trip, flight segments, and specific time of departure for both legs, the aircraft type, and other requests specified by you when booking your flight. You will be requested to sign and return a copy of the Charter Quote and Credit card Authorization form along with this binding Charter Broker Agreement. You will be requested to sign this Charter Broker Agreement signifying confirmation of its contents and consent to the quote, credit card authorization form and to these Standard Terms and Conditions.

(b) Client understands and acknowledges that the cancellation of any Reservation or portion thereof with seven calendar days of the scheduled domestic trip or ten calendar days of departure date of an international trip will result in a cancellation penalty charge of up to 100% of the quoted price for the trip. Confirmed departures with 10 days of Peak Travel Days as defined below are non-refundable, along with one ways trips. ALL ONE WAYS THAT ARE CANCELLED HAVE A 100% "CANCELLATION CHARGE."

(c) Client acknowledges that any change in date, time, itinerary, cc, number of passengers or type of aircraft may be deemed a cancellation and be subject to a cancellation charge. Client acknowledges that a “No Show” will be considered a cancellation and the client will be charged 100% of the cost of the trip. Other types of cancellation charges may include, but not limited to: costs incurred for specifically positioning and repositioning an aircraft and flight crew in preparation of the cancelled trip. Flight charges equivalent to two hours of operation for each day of the cancelled itinerary, or any fees incurred by Central Jet Charter Inc. as a result of the client’s cancellation.

We reserve the right to change the terms of its cancellation policy at any time. If the client is over two hours late for a trip the client can be charged 100% of the quote price for the trip. Any cancellation of any confirmed Charter Itinerary or portion thereof may be subject to the terms and conditions of the specific air carrier selected and to Central Jet Charter Inc. Standard Terms and Conditions"> (d) Central Jet Charter Inc." reserves the right to change the terms of its cancellation policy at any time. If the client is over two hours late for a trip the client can be charged 100% of the quote price for the trip. Any cancellation of any confirmed Charter Itinerary or portion thereof may be subject to the terms and conditions of the specific air carrier selected and to Central Jet Charter Inc. Standard Terms and Conditions.

(e)"Central Jet Charter Inc." assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the disposition or cancellation of any reservation, either by the Client or carrier. ALL ONE WAY CHRTER RESERVATIONS ARE NON-CANCELABLE AND NON-REFUNDABLE AND ARE SUBJECT TO A 100% CANCELLATION FEE AT TIME OF BOOKING.

(f) Client will not be charged for flights cancelled more five calendar days prior to departure of a domestic trip and more than seven days prior to a the departure of an international trip, except for those expenses or cancellation fees specifically incurred by "Central Jet Charter Inc." in preparation for such flights, or except for those instances when an advance deposit is required and Client has been informed of the cancellation fee.

(g) Peak travel days include the following: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Easter Sunday, Passover, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Super Bowl. The term “Peak Travel Days” includes the day noted, as well as the four days prior and two days after each peak travel day mentioned above.

3. PRICE QUOTES: The cost estimate provided to the Client for each specific Charter Itinerary, is subject to the following:

(a) Domestic and international flights may be subject to the federal excise tax and federal departure tax, respectively. "Central Jet Charter Inc." will add the applicable tax, using the current rate, to each charter invoice, and Client will pay such amounts.

(b) Client understands that the cost estimate provided by "Central Jet Charter Inc." will include estimates for certain cost items. Client will pay the actual amount of applicable taxes, flight fees, fuel surcharges, over-flight permits, landing charges, catering costs, ground transportation, flight phone, customs fees, crew trip expenses, de-icing fees and similar out of pocket expenses relating to the services provided should these amounts differ from the original cost estimate provided on the quote.

(c) If a deviation from the original itinerary is requested by the Client and agreed to by "Central Jet Charter Inc.", or if any such deviation is caused or necessitated by Clients actions, then the amount owed by Client to Central Jet Charter Inc. may differ from the original cost estimate. Client hereby agrees to pay any and all charges associated with such deviations from the original cost estimate and/or Charter Itinerary.

4. "PAYMENT TERMS:" Client agrees to pay all costs, fees and expenses as set forth on the cost estimate quote and/or Charter Itinerary, as well as all additional costs and expenses associated with your flight (including, but not limited to, taxes, surcharges. Fees and any surprise charges that might arise and all fees listed above in Paragraph 3 section b. as well as an damages that may arise during the flight because of the Client or passengers aboard the plane, and any damages as set for in Paragraph 8(g).

(a) "Central Jet Charter Inc." may require either payment in advance or an acceptable credit card guarantee. By providing your credit card information, you authorize Central Jet Charter Inc. to obtain payment from the issuer of the credit card you presented. If you do not make payment by another means, you agree to perform the obligations set forth I your agreement with your credit card issuer. However you will only be charged if Central Jet Charter Inc. fails to receive payment from you within seven (7) days after receipt of an itemized invoice sent to you for completion of your flight. We may give additional time and reserve the right to give the Client additional time to pay.

(b) Client will pay "Central Jet Charter Inc." the rate of the lower part of one percent per month, or the highest percentage permitted by law on any charges outstanding more than 30 days after receipt of the invoice, plus the reasonable costs (including attorney’s fees) for the collection of any past fees that are due, expenses and chargers there under.

5. "ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF OPERATIONS:" Client acknowledges that "Central Jet Charter Inc." is acting solely as a broker and is not an air carrier. Client acknowledges that Central Jet Charter Inc. does not operate the flights or provide the other services that Client authorizes Central Jet Charter Inc. to book on the Client’s behalf. Client further acknowledges that the air charter suppliers have sole responsibility, liability and control of all aspects of the aircraft charter services provided to the Client, including without limitation, aircraft availability and pricing, the commencement and termination of scheduled flights, the operation, regulation, condition and safety for the flights passengers, baggage and cargo and other people and events associated with Client’s air travel, such as crew performance and catering services. Central Jet Charter Inc. has no legal responsibility with any problems with regards to the trip and the plane. All jets are operated under part 135 of the Federal Aviation Administration.

6. "SAFETY OF OPERATION:" Without limitation, you acknowledge and agree that the air charter suppliers and/or their pilots, crew members, employees and/or agents will be solely responsible for all decisions regarding safety determinations with respect to the commencement operation and termination of flights. Client further acknowledges that Central Jet Charter Inc. bears no responsibility for decisions regarding such safety determinations, and Client agrees to hold "Central Jet Charter Inc." harmless from any and all consequences resulting from decisions regarding such safety determinations.

7. "FORCE MAJEURE:" Central Jet Charter Inc. will not be deemed to be in breach of its obligations hereunder or have any liability or responsibility for any delay, cancellation or damage arising in whole or in part from any weather condition, act of God, act of nature, acts of civil or military authority, civil commotion, war or warlike operations, terrorist event, or imminence thereof, strike or labor dispute, blockage, embargo, government regulation, law, rule or authority, acts or omissions of government authorities, breakdown or accident to the aircraft, mechanical failure, lack of essential supplies or parts or if the safety of the passengers and/or property is deemed by the aircraft commander or carrier’s operational supervisors to be in jeopardy, or for any cause beyond the direct control of Central Jet Charter Inc.


  1. We take your privacy and responsibility very seriously.


  2. "Aircraft Services, & Privacy & Responsibility!"
    There are things that individuals, companies, the tech industry and government can do to increase privacy and security.

    "Private Jet Charter Privacy & Responsibility"
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    Beyond the efficiency with which we handle every aspect of every journey, all members of our staff recognize and adhere to the significant responsibility of providing and protecting that essential value your clients are seeking.

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    Subtly attentive and in tune with the clients' wishes, AmJet Executive crews ensure a perfect travel experience.

    We reserve the right to cancel or refuse to accept any order placed for any reason. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice. C.J.C. Inc., apologizes for any inconvenience.

    We make no representations whatsoever about any other site which you may access through this one. When you access a non-U.S. Central Jet Charter Inc., web site, even one that may contain the our logo.

    This Legal Statement and your use of the Site is governed by the laws of the State of New York without regard to its choice of law provisions.

    The courts of general jurisdiction located within New York shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any and all disputes arising out of, relating to, or concerning this Legal Statement and/or the Site or in which this Legal Statement and/or the Site are a material fact.

    This Legal Statement may not be modified except in writing. If any of these terms shall be deemed unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that provision shall be severed from these terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.


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